Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Gender in the Boardroom: An Opinion Against Quotas

Women currently make up 19% of the membership of UK boardrooms, up from 12.5% in 2010. This is compared to 26% in Sweden and 35% in Norway. Currently both Sweden and the UK maintain a target based system with the UK having a target of 25% by 2015. This is while Norway currently has a legally enshrined quota of 40%.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Magneto and Xavier: A Dual Mentality

In my view, one of the reasons for the success of the X Men movie franchise is the relatability of the plots and even more so its characters. In some ways, the demonised mutant minority of the show and the way in which they are treated can act as a metaphor for the way on which many minorities are treated in the real world today. The characters in the film give an interesting insight into the human psyche and how we behave towards such treatment of minorities. This is especially the case when comparing the approaches of the characters of Magneto Professor X.

Friday, 19 July 2013

America, Europe and Britain’s Place in the World

The world has always been ever changing place and in the modern era, that change ever more fluid and stark. A few years ago, who could have foreseen the events of the Arab Spring or the current situation regarding Edward Snowden (former contractor to the NSA)? As such, all countries including the likes of the UK need to re-evaluate their positions and their perceived place in the world.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

A Pet Peeve: Confusing Opinion with Fact

One of the few things that annoy me is when people believe their own opinions are bottom line fact and are intolerant of any opinion other than their own. Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly happy to entertain and consider different views and ideas, if anything, I enjoy it as it encourages me to question my own opinions. All I want is to be treated with the same respect and tolerance. In the past I've met people who would go absolutely hysterical when someone didn't agree with them and then they would go off in a strop like an immature child. Frankly, in my view, if you’re so sure that your opinion is the right, then surely it should survive vigorous debate and question and in that case, there's no need to get defensive. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Measure of a Man: What Does it Mean to be "Successful"?

I was listening to some music on YouTube and I came across Clay Aiken. Most people outside the US have probably never heard of him, but he was the runner up on the second season of American Idol. Well, I came across one of his songs in particular entitled "Measure of a Man" and it got me thinking, at the end of it all, how would you measure as to what extent your life had been a "success". When I say "successful", I'm not just talking about professionally, although that may be part of it, I'm talking about being "successful" in life in general.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

An Academic Life Finally Over

Well, for the most part.

          At the age of 22, I have finally left business school and therefore, the British educational system altogether. Well, on a full time basis anyway. I will continue to be thankful and appreciative of the opportunities such an educational system has and will continue to provide, but to be honest, I am thankful it has come to an end.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

My Thoughts on the UK's Energy Policy

I have always been an advocate for lowering our carbon emissions including through the use of nuclear and renewable energy and reducing our reliance on coal and oil. However, a recent report carried out by National Grid and Ofgem found that, come 2015-2016, the UK will have a safety margin of a mere 2% in regards to its energy generation as compared to consumption. Although this figure remains positive, an increase in energy consumption during peak times could potentially lead to blackouts across the country. So the question is, how do we avoid the blackouts, both in the run up to 2015 and in the decades to come.