Saturday 27 July 2013

Magneto and Xavier: A Dual Mentality

In my view, one of the reasons for the success of the X Men movie franchise is the relatability of the plots and even more so its characters. In some ways, the demonised mutant minority of the show and the way in which they are treated can act as a metaphor for the way on which many minorities are treated in the real world today. The characters in the film give an interesting insight into the human psyche and how we behave towards such treatment of minorities. This is especially the case when comparing the approaches of the characters of Magneto Professor X.

          When these two characters first started out as youths, they had very similar views and approaches, but their lives and the way in which they were treated by their fellow man have created two very distinct persona. Taking this theory one step further, not only can different people have such different philosophies, but a single person can often find themselves trying to find the balance between these very two opposing forces.

          People often ask me how my mind works, how is it I think? This is often due to my often having very thought out ideas and opinions to which I can often argue quite forcefully when the situation desires. The above video, if you listen to the words carefully, gives a very close approximation to answering that very question. I have an Xavier who is less forceful, more tactful and perhaps slightly more manipulative of the situation. The other side, the Magneto, is more forceful, more blunt and more to the point. These two ways of thinking often present themselves in my discussions and deliberations with others and I am still trying to find that balance between the two.

          A general pass time for me when walking down the street or lying in bed is often to have arguments with myself, but from two different perspectives i.e. a Xavier persona and a Magneto persona. Then once these two persona have agreed on a standing point, that's when I take the argument elsewhere. This is why I generally have well thought out arguments as I've often already had the argument with myself considering every possible viewpoint and comeback I can think off. This is also why it sometimes annoys me when people make certain arguments as often I've already had those arguments with myself and I feel like I'm simply repeating myself. However, these sort of arguments should be had particularly in a professional environment where people have to be held to account and to show they haven't taken their decisions lightly. The arguments I really enjoy are those that include arguments that I have yet to think of. However, as time has gone on and my experiences have become more varied, I often find such people to argue with quite rare, especially among the young. This is why I generally relate more to older people such as those near or in retirement. As it is these people who have the experience and who generally have the arguments that I haven't thought of. As such, whenever I get the opportunity, I like to take the opportunity to listen and to take on board their experiences and thus further develop my own thoughts and arguments.

          In conclusion, I pretty much have a dual mentality, a Xavier and a Magneto, constantly at odds and helping to build my arguments and viewpoints. Some might call this a dual personality but I would argue otherwise. This is based on the fact that although I describe myself as having two mentalities, this is simply to help me build an argument and get into the minds of other people and the way they think. When it comes to presenting these arguments, these mentalities become a unified force. No one would argue that when Magneto and Xavier partner up in the X Men series, they aren't a force to be reckoned with. However, as I said earlier I still need to find that balance between these two opposing mentalities and to make better decisions as to which one I should make greater use of in any given situation. Slowly but surely I am getting there and I have no doubt I'll get there soon enough and writing this blog will help me achieve that.

All the best,

Jason Cates

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