Sunday 9 March 2014

Novel: Relationships and Complexity of Character

While continuing to write my series of short stories for this novel of mine I've started to place a great focus on what it is that makes a good story. This has included not only stories in books but also those in films, poetry, plays and the various other forums we have to tell a good story. In my experience what makes a good story isn't necessarily the plot, but the characters within the story and the relationships in which these characters share.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

What is Happiness and How Do We Get It?


People often quote the saying "money doesn't buy you happiness" and to some extent that's true, but to some extent it's also not true. Although money in and of itself cannot buy you happiness, it can remove some of the barriers that can stop you from becoming happy. People can often find it hard to be happy when they're having to worry about whether or not they can pay the bills, put a roof over their head or afford to put food on the table. Being able to do these things won't make you happy on their own but they can prevent you from being happy if you can't do them. So simply, money might not be able to buy you happiness, but it can remove the barriers that can prevent us from being happy and better enable us to do those things that do make us happy.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Should Turkey Join the European Union?

For decades negotiations have been ongoing on Turkey eventually joining the European Union if and when it ever does. The reasons it has taken so long are complex but fundamental.

Advice on ACCA F6 (Taxation)

For those who are planning to take their ACCA F6 tax exam this coming June, this blog is aimed at giving you some advice and pointers on your upcoming exam.