Thursday, 13 February 2014

The Voices in Each of Us

A few days ago I was watching an old episode of Star Trek and the theme was about how in each of us we have a range of voices battling for control. I wrote a similar blog a couple months ago entitled "Magneto and Xavier: A Dual Mentality". This time, rather than focusing on me, this blog will focus on those voices in each of us more generally speaking.

The Doubter Vs. The Optimist

          First we have the doubter, the one who lacks confidence and that is increasingly cynical of the world around them. This voice is generally filled with anger and resentment and is often looking for someone to blame for when things go wrong. This voice is the one that has become rampant in the recent economic decline leading to the growth of far right parties who again, are just looking for someone to blame or take out their frustrations on.

         Secondly we have the optimist. This voice looks to the future with positivity and hope for a brighter future. This is the voice that gets you up in the morning and motivates you to pick yourself up and carry on. However, this internal voice also has its downsides. It is the one that encourages us to spend, even if we can't afford it and can make us look at things through rose tinted glasses rather than seeing what's right under our noises. So this voice does have its uses, but it also needs to be balanced.

The Recluse Vs. The Socialiser

           People are, by their very nature, pack animals. Thus, we need companionship and people around us to lift up our spirits. However, at the same time, we sometimes want some time on our own to reflect and ponder over our thoughts. This allows us time to just wind down and relax and just focus on ourselves for a little while and this is simply natural. On the other hand, we must be careful not to overdo it as to place ourselves into a downward spiral and an endless cycle of our own inner thoughts.

The Selfless Vs. The Selfish

            The last two voice that I will discuss here is that of the selfless versus the selfish, our desire to help others versus our desire to help ourselves. Now we all need to listen to that selfish voice in ourselves sometimes for our own benefit but people are often afraid to out of fear of coming across negatively and generally selfish. We must be willing to listen to both these voices and to use them as and when required. This is to allow us to help and treat others well but at the same time not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of by those around us. This might mean we sometimes come across as a bit selfish, but so be it.


          In conclusion our inner voices, like most things, need balance. As the saying goes, there is no light without dark and no good without evil. We need all of our voices to keep us balanced and centered and at ease within ourselves. Now this list is not comprehensive and there are many others which could be discussed. But I hope this blog gets you thinking and will aid you in identifying those voices within ourselves and the better we know those voices, the better we know ourselves. However, we must err on the side of caution as not to become overwhelmed. Yes listen to these voices, but at the same time make sure it is you who is in control of them rather than they you.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed,

Jason Cates

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